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PRC Pioneers “Online” Edition of the 11th ACPE Conferment Ceremony

Manila, Philippines – One hundred thirty-two (132) conferees in the field of Civil, Electrical, Electronics and Mechanical Engineering nationwide gathered as the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), in collaboration with the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and the Philippine Technological Council (PTC) held the 11th ASEAN Chartered Engineers’ (ACPE) Conferment Ceremony last April 30, 2021, via an online platform.

As the collaborative efforts of the PRC, CHED, and PTC eyes on effective implementation of the ASEAN Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) on Engineering Services, the ceremony bounded not only to develop and facilitate the mobility of Professional Engineers, but also to serve as a milestone for the conferees as this symbolizes an opportunity to have a recognized professional standing within the ASEAN region.

Initiating the very first virtual conferment was the heartfelt invocation led by Chairperson of the Professional Regulatory Board of Chemical Engineering, Hon. Ofelia V. Bulaong, followed by the warmest welcome remarks conveyed by Commissioner Yolanda D. Reyes, and equally-significant messages by PTC National President, Engr. Federico A. Monsada, and PRC Chairman Teofilo S. Pilando. Chairman Pilando, in his message, highlighted that the advertencies and uncertainties brought by the pandemic do not defy the Commission’s utmost desire to hold the ceremony towards increasing the number of globally-accredited Professional Engineers. Lastly, Commissioner Jose Y. Cueto, Jr. wrapped the ceremony with his informative closing remarks.

With all the commitment, support and active participation of the Professional Regulatory Boards, the Public Information and Media Relations Unit (PIMRU), the Information and Communication Technology Service (ICTS), and the International Affairs Office (IAO) of PRC, the conduct of the very first online ACPE Conferment Ceremony was indeed a success, bringing such significant feat to the country’s esteemed Professional Engineers who ought to continue driving their passion towards global competitiveness and recognition.

To know more on how to become an ACPE, follow this link: